Welcome to Capla! We stand by the quality and durability of our outdoor gear, and our Warranty page is here to provide you with all the details you need to understand your product's coverage.
In this policy, we outline the terms and conditions of our warranties, the specific products covered, and the steps you should follow in the event of a warranty claim. Our commitment is to ensure your adventures are not only unforgettable but also worry-free.
Warranty Terms and Conditions
Capla provides warranties for select products, with each product having its own unique warranty terms and duration. The specific warranty terms, including coverage against defects in material or workmanship, can be found in the product details provided below.
Product Coverage
Enjoy 1-year warranty on our gear: Waterproof Backpacks, Hammocks & Toiletry Bags when used under normal conditions and for the purpose intended.
This warranty covers faults in materials and workmanship and doesn't apply if damage is caused by unreasonable use or neglect, normal wear and tear.
In order to make a warranty claim, you need to have purchased your Capla gear through our website or one of our authorized re-sellers, and you must provide proof of purchase.
- Please provide a valid order number. We are unable to honor any warranties on items that were gifts, prizes, etc. that do not have an order number or email associated with it.
- We do not send any replacements for items purchased through non-authorized third party or re-selling channels.
- Provide photos of what's wrong with your product. We will verify if the damages fall under our warranty and whether they need to be replaced, or can easily be repaired.
Note: T-shirts are not covered under this warranty.
How do I make a claim?
If you believe that your product is eligible for a warranty claim, please follow these steps:
Please fill out the contact form in the following link or email us at contact.capla@gmail.com with your order details and a description of the fault or damage. Include photographs and order details.
- When filling out the form make sure to select Warranty claim as your concern.
Warranty Claim Approval
Warranty claims will be evaluated based on the specific terms and conditions outlined for each product. If your warranty claim is approved, we will provide a suitable resolution, which may include repairs, replacement, or other appropriate actions.
You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are nonrefundable.
Contact Us
If you have questions or need to explore the warranty specifics for your product, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our costumer service team is ready to assist you.
Thank you for choosing Capla for your outdoor gear needs.
Let's keep the adventure ON!